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The Savery Pond Conservancy (SPC) originated as the "Savery Pond Project" initiated by Friends of Ellisville Marsh (FoEM) in 2012. Although FoEM's primary goal is to help revitalize the Ellisville Marsh, FoEM recognized that the health of Savery Pond can influence the health of the marsh because the pond discharges freshwater to the marsh via Herring Brook. Over its 7-year tenure under FoEM, the Project made great strides towards gathering the data and forming the partnerships required to improve water-quality in Savery Pond. SPC continues the work of FoEM's Savery Pond Project, providing enhanced focus and the organizational independence to pursue whatever paths are best for the pond. FoEM directors and volunteers assumed leadership roles at SPC, thus ensuring continuity of the energy and expertise that has driven Project success. SPC is excited about continuing to serve the Pond and its residents towards improving water quality and ecological function in Savery Pond!


SPC's Mission statement includes the following activities:

1. Restore, preserve and maintain the Savery Pond ecosystem;

2. Organize volunteer and consulting support for monitoring, scientific research studies, and restoration activities;

3. Undertake fundraising for the benefit of the Savery Pond ecosystem;

4. Coordinate communication and joint activities between the Savery Pond Conservancy Inc., academic researchers, municipal governments and/or other non-profits towards restoring, preserving and maintaining the Savery Pond ecosystem;                                                                                                              

5. Support other non-profits with similar missions by sharing information, expertise and monitoring equipment; and,

6. Educate and inform interested parties about the unique characteristics and requirements for sustainability of the Savery Pond ecosystem.

SPC strives to use individual and corporate donations, as well as public and private grants, to restore Savery Pond to its former health and insure its maintenance for future generations to appreciate. Please join us in our efforts to meet our goals!


SPC's activities towards fulfilling our goals on Savery Pond include:

  • Data Gathering and Interpretation;

  • Working with Cooperative Institutions;

  • Fundraising and Grant Pursuit;

  • Public Outreach and Education; and,

  • Working Towards Solutions

SPC (in its current form and under FoEM's "Savery Pond Project") has worked diligently towards these goals since the Project began in 1012.  We commissioned a preliminary study of nutrient conditions in the pond in 2012, and have been cooperating with governmental and academic institutions to gather data towards identifying the mechanisms for algal blooms and potential solutions. We have disseminated information and maintained lines of communication with pond residents and interested public, and we have a plan to identify and pursue solutions towards reversing harmful algal blooms.  Our key activities are summarized below:


Data Gathering & Interpretation

Pond residents and users alike have seen SPC volunteers out on the pond collecting data, sampling water quality, removing invasive species and maintaining instrumentation. Data collection has been instructive for identifying algal bloom mechanisms, and the Savery Pond Project recently published a report summarizing the knowledge developed to date. Several areas of data collection are still needed to fully document algal-bloom mechanisms and formulate solutions for inclusion in a pond management plan. Over the next two years (2019-20), we are directing our efforts to gathering the required data so we can develop a management plan and secure funding for solutions. 

Cooperative Arrangements

SPC has been working in close cooperation with Plymouth's Department of Marine and Environmental Affairs (DMEA) and UMass Dartmouth's School for Marine Science & Technology (SMAST) for both data collection and developing strategies towards a pond management plan and eventual solutions. Plymouth's Ponds and Lakes Stewardship (PALS) Program sampled 38 lakes in the area and published a Pond and Lake Atlas in which Savery Pond showed particularly impaired water quality. To address this issue, the Town has generously provided funding, equipment and staffing towards data collection on Savery Pond, and is pursuing grant funding towards further study. After SPC's current president contacted the owner of the last remaining commercial cranberry bog on the pond, the Town acquired the bog for restoration to grassland habitat. SPC is also developing new cooperative relationships with other local pond organizations.

Fundraising & Grant Pursuit

SPC launched a major fundraising campaign in 2017 that raised nearly $10,000 towards the data collection needed to develop a management plan and generate solutions for controlling algal-blooms in the pond. Our hope is that pond residents see value in the work done thus far and the path forward identified for restoring Savery Pond towards a pristine state that supports multiple uses and a healthy ecosystem. Please consider donating to our fundraising efforts. Most recently, SPC addressed the Plymouth Select Board to request that a funding article for completing our data collection and preparing a Pond Management Plan be included in the 2019 Fall Town Meeting Warrant. If approved,SPC will likely launch a focused campaign to raise funds for SPC's contribution to this cooperative effort

Public Outreach & Education

SPC has been keeping pond residents and interested parties informed of developments on Savery Pond through emails, newsletters, annual meetings and this website. We alert residents to algal bloom advisories to assist State and local governments with protecting public health. We have collected relevant links and publications here. We encourage people to get involved and volunteer towards restoring the pond. Contact us if you would like to get involved, get on the mailing list, or join FoEM.

Working Towards Solutions

SPC's work on Savery Pond is all about achieving results! Our strategy flowchart (below) illustrates how data collection activities lead to development of a management plan, implementation of solutions (i.e. "mitigations") for algal blooms and ecological restoration, and ongoing maintenance of this valuable natural resource. Funding for a Savery Pond Watershed Study and Management Plan was approved at 2019 Town Meeting. DMEA will be providing $28,977 from existing, dedicated environmental funding sources, and SPC will be providing $10,000 plus in-kind labor for data collection. Please join us to support completion of the study and to realize this vision!

SPC BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                                                                                                      

SPC was formed in the spring of 2019 and assembled a Board of Directors comprised of local pond residents. Each director provides unique energy and skills towards accomplishing SPC's mission. Directors (and their key skill sets) include:

Peter Schwartzman:   hydrologic and hydrogeologic analysis, project management, community outreach, relationships with cooperators (SPC President)

Paula Marcoux:          ecological knowledge, non-profit management, relationships with cooperators

Roger Janson:            engineering and fabrication, first-hand knowledge of prior cranberry bog operations, ecological knowledge

Rose Cain:                 streamflow measurement, non-profit management (SPC Secretary)

Scott Bailey:              marine engineering, project management

Tom Schwartzman:     geographic information systems, computer hardware/software, meticulous record keeping (SPC Treasurer)

Beth Rice:                 focus on safe pond conditions for residents and other users

If you are interested in joining the SPC Board, or volunteering, please contact us.


© 2019 by Savery Pond Conservancy, Inc.                                                                                                                                               Contact us at: 

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